Miraf SongBook

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Miraf SongBook

Miraf SongBook for Android
Play and practice anytime, anywhere!

Miraf SongBook for Android program is an extension of the classic Miraf SongBook for Windows program and allows you to transfer your songs and lyrics to all devices running the Android operating system. You can play and practice anytime and anywhere you like - on a tablet, mobile phone, or even directly on your TV. Prepare your songbooks in the comfort of your home and take them with you to a concert or rehearsal on a portable device, leaving the heavy computer at home.
Always have your songs and lyrics with you, even on your mobile phone.

Key features of the Android version

  • Transposition of simple and compound chords
  • Automatic transposition based on capo settings
  • Choice of preferred transposition - #, b, European, American, custom transposition
  • Saving transpositions
  • Automatic text scrolling with delayed start setting up to 60 seconds
  • Editing of lyrics and chords
  • Display of chord diagrams
  • Audio file playback (MP3, WAV, FLAC)
  • Launching attached files in an external viewer
  • Preferred text wrapping
  • Display of images - jpg, bmp, png, gif
  • Display of tablatures
  • Automatic character completion after labels
  • How and where to display chords - above text, superscript, including brackets [], in text
  • Disable screen rotation and sleep mode
  • Option to set the color of lyrics, chords, notes, labels, tablatures, song title and artist, highlighted text (up to 5 colors), song background
  • Option to set the size of lyrics, chords, notes, labels, tablatures, song title and artist
  • Option to hide or display chords, notes, labels, tablatures, song title and artist, highlighted text, images, capo settings
  • Choice of chord background color
  • Single-column or two-column text display
  • Capo management
  • Text orientation in portrait or landscape
  • Pinch-to-zoom text
  • Quick search and filtering of song lists
  • Notepad
  • Support for variables and auto-completion
  • Unlimited number of databases
  • Playlist support
  • Loading your own online/offline internet database
  • Automatic synchronization of Windows/Android data
  • Remote control of up to ten Android devices and 40 Windows PCs
  • Control using Bluetooth pedals and switches
  • Support for keyboard shortcuts
  • And many more features

Keyboard shortcuts for Android

F7 - Start automatic scrolling
F5 - Transpose down
F6 - Transpose up
F9 - Start audio
F10 - Pause audio
F11 - Stop audio
F8 - Start audio + automatic text scrolling

1 - Single column
2 - Two columns
0 - Stop all (Stop audio + Stop automatic scrolling)

Left arrow - Next song (in song preview)
Right arrow - Previous song (in song preview)

Down arrow - In song list, move to the next song. In song preview, scroll down a few lines
Up arrow - In song list, move to the previous song. In song preview, scroll up a few lines
PageDown - In song list, scroll down one page. In song preview, scroll down one page
PageUp - In song list, scroll up one page. In song preview, scroll up one page

How does automatic data transfer from Windows to Android work?

Data synchronization from Windows to Android is simple, fast, and primarily online. The requirement is that the devices must be connected to the Internet during synchronization. Another condition is that the Android app version must be at least 2.11, and the Windows app version must be at least 9.10. Databases stored in the Android app must be created in Miraf SongBook 9 for Windows or later. If your databases are from a version older than 9, you must first manually transfer the databases following the procedure below (How does manual data transfer from Windows to Android and vice versa work?). The Android operating system version must be at least 7.1.1.

When these conditions are met, synchronization is very straightforward:
In the Windows version, set the desired database. Click on "Export data to Cloud server" under the "Songs" tab. The program will ask if it should also transfer the notebook, playlists, and chord database. The data is then saved to the server. The copying time depends on the number of songs in the database. If you want to upload multiple databases to the server simultaneously (available from Miraf SongBook 10), click "Export data to Cloud server - multiple databases" and check the desired databases.

In the Android version, go to Program Settings and then select "Download databases" from the menu. Enter the first 12 characters of your registration number (you only enter this once during the initial setup) and click "Import data from Cloud server". This will download the database, playlists, notebook, and chord database (depending on what you selected during the export from Windows). Your original database will be saved to the BACKUP folder in the DATABASE directory, serving as a backup you can return to. If you do not see the "Import data from Cloud server" button under "Download databases", you are likely using an older database version and must first manually transfer the database from Miraf SongBook 9 or later (Windows version).
For one database (version 4-10), the limit is 1000 songs; from database version 11, the limit is 4000.

For Miraf SongBook 9:
If you have multiple databases, each must be transferred individually. The last one remains stored on the Cloud server.
For Miraf SongBook 10 and newer:
You can save one or all databases at once (or select a list). The last set of selected databases remains stored on the Cloud server.

How does manual data transfer from Windows to Android and vice versa work?

In the Miraf SongBook for Windows program, select the songs you want to transfer to Android and export the database via the "Songs/Export selected songs for Android application" tab. Enter a name for the new database and save it to disk. Transfer this database (the file with the .amsb extension) to your tablet/phone. You can use a USB cable, Bluetooth, email, Google Drive, Dropbox, and many other programs for file transfer. You can use any transfer method you commonly use. On the target device, upload the database (the .amsb file) to the path where the program is installed, in the DATABASE directory.

For app version 3 and later, the path is:
sometimes also labeled as:
"/Internal storage/Android/data/cz.miraf.mirafsongbook01/files/MirafSongBook"

For app version 1 and 2, the path is "/mnt/sdcard/MirafSongBook" or "/storage/emulated/0/MirafSongBook"

If you do not see the directory structure, your file manager may not have the necessary permissions. We recommend installing Total Commander, which will allow you to view and manage files without issues. Another option is to connect your Android to a Windows computer, where you should be able to see the directory structure via the built-in File Explorer or Total Commander for Windows.

Transfer your images (if used) to the IMAGE directory, MP3 files to the MP3 directory, MP3 Playback files to MP3PLAYBACK, attached files to the FILE directory, and playlists to the PLAYLIST directory - the directory structure is the same on both Windows and Android. The program will automatically recognize your database and open it upon subsequent startup. You can use any number of databases - the maximum size for one database on Android is 4000 songs (for older versions, it is only 1000 songs).

Reverse transfer from Android to Windows:
On the Android device, databases (files with the .amsb extension) are usually located at:

For app version 3 and later, the path is:
sometimes also labeled as:
"/Internal storage/Android/data/cz.miraf.mirafsongbook01/files/MirafSongBook"

For app version 1 and 2, the path is "/mnt/sdcard/MirafSongBook" or "/storage/emulated/0/MirafSongBook"

Transfer the databases from the DATABASE directory to the computer with Windows OS where you have Miraf SongBook installed. You can use a USB cable, Bluetooth, Google Drive, Dropbox, and many other transfer methods supported by your device. If you have associated images with songs (in the IMAGE directory), MP3 files (in the MP3 directory), MP3 Playback files (in the MP3PLAYBACK directory), attached files (in the FILE directory), and playlists (in the PLAYLIST directory), transfer them as well and save them to the IMAGE, MP3, MP3PLAYBACK, FILE, and PLAYLIST directories where your databases and songbooks are located - the directory structure is the same on both Windows and Android. In Miraf SongBook for Windows, go to the "Song/Import from Android application" tab, select the transferred file from the disk using the "Open XML/AMSB and import" button. The songs will load into the right side of the screen. After the import is complete, either choose "Attach selected songs to the current database" or enter a name for a new database and click "Save".

How to use the online database?

This is a very practical and modern solution for Android devices with internet access. For example, your bandleader creates a database of your songs and lyrics and hosts it on your website or somewhere on the internet (via HTTP protocol). Each band member sets up their device to point to this online database, and the songs will automatically appear directly on their tablet/phone. When the bandleader updates any lyrics or chords, every member who has this database set up will automatically see all changes and have up-to-date songs without needing to make corrections themselves. You can also use this system for your fans, so they always have the most current version of your songs.
You can also download the online database for offline use (without network connection).

You can try our test online database: http://www.miraf.cz/pisne.amsb

Control using GEST

Where can I download the Android version?

You can download the Android version for free from the Google Play Store (app name Miraf SongBook) directly from your device or here: Google Play
Supported Android version is 4.4 and newer.
Downloading and using the Android version is free, but without a purchased Windows version, you cannot prepare your own databases and songbooks. To use the mobile Android version, you must have Miraf SongBook for Windows at least version 5.40.

Where to next?

Play and train like a professional!

Miraf SongBook music software